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3rd Singapore Clinical Nutrition Meeting 2016

You may register online or download the registration form and email, fax or send the completed form to the conference secretariat.
Early bird registration ends on 18 March 2016.


Official Language
English is the official language of this conference.


CME/CNE Administration
(Applicable to Singapore registered Healthcare Professionals ONLY)
CME/CNE points will be accredited accordingly.


Name Badge
Name Badges will be issued at the time of registration. All delegates are requested to wear their name badges to gain admission to all sessions. If you lose your name badge, please contact the Conference Secretriat for a replacement. Please note that replacement fee may applies.


The Organisers are not liable for any personal accidents, illnesses, loss or damage to private properties of delegates during the Conference. Delegates are advised to arrange for appropriate insurance coverage during the conference period.


Whilst every attempt will be made to ensure that all aspects of the conference will take place as scheduled, the Organising Committee reserves the rights to make appropriate changes should the need arises with or without prior notice.

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